It was no one; it was the boiler.
My wife plus I are in a weird predicament right now. My associate and I have been wanting to build a dwelling from scratch for some time now, plus my pal and I finally sold our first dwelling in order to have enough currency to beginning building our new one. My associate and I are so excited, however something happened that my pal and I did not expect. My associate and I sold our first dwelling before my pal and I found the land that my pal and I want to build our new dwelling on. My associate and I decided that my pal and I would have to end up renting for a little while, however a friend of a friend heard about our situation plus provided us her house! She lives down south all winter long, so she has an empty dwelling that she said my pal and I are welcome to use. My associate and I took her up on her offer, plus my pal and I are now staying in her house. My associate and I are so thankful to be able to stay rent free, so it makes living in a unquestionably ancient dwelling worth it. My associate and I have observed some odd things in the dwelling though. The boiler downstairs in the basement makes some unquestionably odd noises! At first, I thought that someone was down in the basement in the middle of the evening, so I made my wife take her gun plus go check. It was no one; it was the boiler. It makes sort of a banging noise. My associate and I called the owner of the house, plus she said that it has consistently made that noise. My associate and I asked her if she wanted us to call an Heating plus Air Conditioning serviceman to take a look at it, plus she said that it was not necessary. My associate and I cannot wait to beginning building our new home, but I am sort of gleeful to find out more creepy things about this ancient house.