The pandemic particularly turned things a bit upside down in our home. But we are super grateful to have come out the other side without anybody having harsh concerns from the virus. That’s something to count our blessings over. But there is another positive that came out of the last two years. I’m very paying way more attention to my health plus that has a direct result of the pandemic. For sure, focusing on my health was well overdue plus it’s a shame I had to wait for a global health crisis to snap out of it. I’m in my mid forties plus I’m finally getting in fantastic shape. The dealer I labor for sent us all home to labor from the central a/c of our homes. I was surprised that I legitimately took to laboring from home. It simply freed up my schedule plus I was able to commit to a more healthy lifestyle. From the very start of laboring from home, I made sure I got out of the a/c for a walk a couple of times a morning. And that just grew from there. My diet changed, I lost weight plus I even got more into exercise, however with that focus on health, I also wanted to improve the indoor air quality of my home. And I was able to do that in a way that didn’t cost me a whole bunch of money. I simply upgraded the cheap air filters that I was using with HEPA filters. They detach more than 99 percent all the contaminants in our air. And that has a large improvement.