Author: Paul B.

Cat was missing for over a month

I began investigating the walls and moved the dryer out of the way at some point Just last monthwe were on the verge of adopting a current creature. My friend and I decided it was time to go ahead and get a current pet in our home because it was feeling rather empty and uneasy […]

Roommate didn’t know that you had to pay for energy

Sometimes it can be utterly shocking how people survive to reach an adult age when they clearly should have died off years ago. I don’t want to sound freezing or overly severe, however it is incredible how stupid humans can be. Somehow, they continue surviving despite it all. I happen to believe that this is […]

Ex’s nasty behavior backfires

Sometimes people ask me about my most recent ex and I just have to shake my head. It’s not worth recounting all of the disappointing ways that he tried to torture me. People generally want to think that he was a fantastic guy. No matter what I say, their response is something along the lines […]

Different activities, weird temperature zones

I assume I’m the type of person who doesn’t like to stand still. By this, I mean that I typically need to be engaged plus accomplishing something or else I feel like I’m wasting my life, i am not the type of person who will stand around plus zone out on the couch in front […]

They called us back… plus then sent us away

Unluckyly, our return to the office only lasted one week I do not know about you, but I’m feeling rather tired of this back plus forth between the media plus the government during this ongoing viral pandemic. It was pretty clear a few months ago that we had managed to lower the curve when it […]

Called me crazy when I wanted to purify my air

When HEPA air filters were available on the residential Heating as well as Air Conditioning market, people acted like I was completely in the wrong for upgrading my air filters to effectively detach over 99% of unwanted airborne toxins It’s funny how people who are prepared are often labeled as crazy. Whenever I am enjoying […]