Author: Paul B.

The usual AC troubles

Read about these common summer time AC troubles and their solutions, and your comfort system may be short-cycling if it turns on and then switches off, but all you need to do is a little maintenance if it’s caused by dirty condenser coils, evaporator coils, or air filters… Spray down your outdoor system with a […]

Decrease Your Small Business AC Costs

Unfortunately, the costs of cooling small contractors can be steep, and as every summer time seems to get be hotter than the 1 before your bills seem to rise higher and higher. In order to keep your employees, your customers, and yourself cheerful and comfortable in your small business, break costs by following these 4 […]

So Grateful for our Heating

I got double lucky because this boy is going to transport in for the month plus watch our cats plus spend money the rent. She is an Heating plus A/C worker plus needs a place to rent for a month, so this is going to work out perfectly afterall. I’ve known of his for a […]

Crunch Crunch Goes the Cat Food

My cats crunch on their food on plus off all morning long plus it consistently sounds funny to me. They have a plastic food bowl plus it kind of echoes when they eat, so it has this magnified crunching sound almost as if it was a speaker. I like the sound when I am working […]

This electric is expensive

I need to find out the brand of our Heating as well as Air Conditioning system plus see how much the electric oil furnace uses in power per minute so I can figure out how much I can run it without making me bankrupt. I think it is a normal sized component so it unquestionably […]

I'm hoping to lower my costs

I need to find out the brand of our Heating & Air Conditioning system and see how much the electric heating system uses in power per hour so I can figure out how much I can run it without making me bankrupt. I know it is a normal sized device so it legitimately uses about […]

Drifting apart from my family

I’ve been feeling pretty low since summer time drifted away and not feeling care about doing much of anything. But last evening it reached a tipping point and I felt this feeling inside that I no longer have the energy to know down anymore. Call it clarity or enlightenment however I no longer want to […]

Cleaning the air filter

Some people really grumble a lot when having to go to toil each day, however I know grateful for having the toil and being able to toil with people and socialize a bit. I am getting a roommate in a week and am looking forward to having someone else to share our flat with. It […]

A drawing depicting the care

Last summer, I met an artist who is the most talented creative I have ever met. She could make a drawing that would depict anything you commanded. I remember she had a drawing that showed the life stages of a human. Her pictures were exquisite, & she enjoyed doing them. All of us met up […]

How a heat pump can maintain a painting

Though the two of us had found him getting ready to do a current painting, the heat was too much, & the laying fun kept messing up the paint, however with the latest cooling technology, the two of us installed the wireless temperature control that allowed my sibling to adjust the temperature away from the […]