Author: Paul B.

Cooling down in March

It is still pretty cool out this morning, but by the start of the afternoon the temps will warm up again. I did my cold swim this morning in the sea and I know that the cold swims won’t be around much longer as summer will soon be rolling in and warming up the sea […]

Heating rep coming out to repair something

I’ve been battling a slight sore throat and a stuffy nose, accompanied by severe tiredness all day long. This is from my allergies to the pollen, which was triggered a few days ago by all of the wind we had. I haven’t been sick or anything for years, ever since doing my cold water swims […]

Cooling corp is open today

Well, I just wrote my uncle Fred a goodbye letter, as he has about six more months to live max. I grew up with him, seeing that he is only 15 years older than me, and now I am saying goodbye to him for the last time. He was a colonel in the army and […]

Good air quality and pollen

I thought I was coming down with a cold or something last Friday as I had no energy and my throat was starting to hurt some. But after a couple more days I discovered it was allergies from the pollen in the trees, so now I have begun taking some pills to stop the symptoms […]

Seven heaters to write about

I want to go for a run later today because I feel a bit tired and need some cardio to wake up. I don’t play much volleyball anymore because my knees are shot from all of the jumping, but if I run slowly in the deep sand I think I should be okay. My buddies […]

New gas boiler is coming

Today I will shop at the fruit stand, and there is a really pretty lady that works there that I would like to talk to. But then part of me is telling myself why bother because she is just too pretty for me. Now what kind of an attitude is that though? I don’t like […]

Time to box up the space heater

At least my radiant heater is still working after all of these years, and maybe my knees will do the same if I stop beating them up with all of the sports that I’ve been playing. The seasons keep rolling by unnoticed and I am finding myself getting slower as time goes on. I used […]

Four more and then a heat pump install

I also make red skinned potatoes sometimes and eat them with peas and tuna fish, and if you never have had that one then give it a try because I think you’d like it! Next month we are going to get this hybrid heating system installed for next winter to try and help us save […]

Waiting for local business to slow down

I need to get some stuff for my salad but normally at noon it is really packed with people. So I am going to try and wait two more hours because it seems that around that time there is almost nobody in the stores. Maybe it is because people take siestas here in the middle […]

Eggplant parmigiana and warm heating devices

I have my dinner made for tonight, and so when I get home later after playing music in the streets I will be all set to eat right away. I made it last night, which means tonight it will taste even better, as the ingredients kind of mix together after sitting in the fridge overnight. […]

Heating service plans for you

We are zipping through the month of March very quickly, and it will be a blink of an eye when summer arrives and the tourists flood our town for another summer of fun. I like the energy the eager tourists bring to our town, as winter can be very quiet and lacking in energy and […]