Ductless mini split systems cater to any space

Modern systems feature inverter technology that allows the unit to automatically adjust speed according to demand, by providing only the exact amount of heating or cooling necessary to achieve comfort, the ductless system is especially efficient.

Ductless mini split systems give a straightforward solution to some of the most hard temperature control challenges. Ductless systems consist of two main components. There is a compact outdoor compressor that connects to one or many streamlined and lightweight indoor air handles. The two units connect together by way of a conduit that houses the electric line, refrigerant line and condensate drain. The conduit requires only a three-inch hole in an exterior wall and because of extensive line lengths, allow freedom of location of the indoor air handlers, and mounting high on the wall, down near the floor and even into the ceiling, the air handlers are unobtrusive and quiet. The whole system can usually be installed and running in a single afternoon. There is no need to tear down walls or ceilings. There’s no big remodeling project or mess to clean up. A ductless split system accommodates older homes that lack conventional HVAC duct, narrow replacement spaces, and just about any size or style of space. There are ductless a/cs for strictly cooling purposes and ductless heat pumps that combine heating and cooling capacity. Modern systems feature inverter technology that allows the unit to automatically adjust speed according to demand, by providing only the exact amount of heating or cooling necessary to achieve comfort, the ductless system is especially efficient. Plus, this week’s ductless models are able to handle outdoor hot and cold temperatures below freezing. Many of the models adjust through a wireless remote or even an app on a smartphone. They are effective at dehumidifying and filtering contaminants out of the air.


ac filter

I was covered in sweat in my office when the heat pump failed

Working from dwelling was something I constantly desired when I was still in an office! Well, life has a funny way of giving us what my associate and I think my associate and I need.

The pandemic changed everything plus I found myself toiling from dwelling full time.

At first, it was great, plus I got to relax plus not participate in the office madness, and however, a few months into it, I absolutely missed my colleagues plus hanging out after work. Then, my boss announced my position was fully remote. I only needed to go to the office once a month once people were back. I wasn’t sure how to feel about this change in my task situation. I even thought of quitting plus finding a task that I could go to every day. That thought hit me hard because I realized I never actually liked remote work. The last nail on that coffin was when my heat pump failed in the Summer of 2022. I had been at dwelling busy at work in my office, plus I was covered in sweat so much, but opening the windows gave no relief because the temperature outside was almost 100F. I had contacted a Heating plus Air Conditioning worker to come plus service my heat pump, however there was a line of people ahead of me. I had to wait 24 hours to have the heat pump fixed, plus I wasn’t having a fun time. When the heat in my office got to be too much, I chose to go work in a cafe in my section that has excellent AC, then perhaps I’ll look for a task in an office with usual commercial Heating plus Air Conditioning cooling in the near future.
commercial hvac provider

Air filters bought at the grocery store

The other day I was at the grocery store when I seen air filters for my central heating and air conditioning system there.

That was the most odd place to find air filters for the central heating and air conditioning system let me tell you! And the thing about it all that was really amazing was the fact that the air filters for the central heating and air conditioning system were the top brand HEPA air filters and they were on sale! I could not believe that one bit.

The fact that the grocery store had air filters for the central heating and air conditioning system unit on sale was beyond amazing. You can not even find HEPA brand air filters for central heating and air conditioning systems on sale at the local outlet stores or even the hardware stores. I jumped at the chance to get some of these HEPA air filters on sale because I knew that I would never get this chance again to get HEPA air filters for the central heating and air conditioning system unit at this price. I bought 3 packs of them because I really wanted to take advantage of this sale the best that I could. And now I will not have to buy air filters for my central heating and air conditioning system for a long time, possibly the rest of the year to be honest! And this is a super great thing because it saved me lots of money in the long run not having to buy more air filters.


more about air conditioning

Protect your HVAC unit from storms

If you have a lot of storms where you live one thing you want to do is to protect your central heating and air conditioning system unit.

The best way you can do this is to go out and buy a tarp for it. By getting a tarp for your central heating and air conditioning system unit it can help you to stop storms from wrecking your HVAC unit. Now if there was a tornado or something like that it would not protect it from that. I am talking things like hail or lightning strikes. If you have a tarp the lightning would bounce off of it and not touch your central heating and air conditioning system to fry it out. With snow it will help with snow not getting into your heating and air conditioning system and frying it out all together. And then there is the fall months of the year with the leaves that can get into your central heating and air conditioning system unit. With a tarp it should block out most leaves from getting into your central heating and air conditioning system as well. I have had a tarp for my heating and air conditioning system for a few years and it has helped out so much in protecting my central heating and cooling unit. There is nothing quite like it that works this well in my humble opinion. So if you have not done so already go out and buy a tarp for your central heating and air conditioning system unit right away. You will not be sorry at all that you did this!

duct cleaning

My old HVAC company

I used to own my very own independent heating and air conditioning business.

This was about 10 years ago.

It lasted only 2 years. I had got out of heating and air conditioning school and tried my hand at being an independent heating and air conditioning specialist. Well, it worked at first and then after about the first year things started getting a little rocky. I struggled through that final year until the time came when I knew the writing was on the wall so to speak. I knew that I had to close my independent heating and cooling business and give up the hopes and dreams I had of being my very own boss and being an independent heating and air conditioning specialist. I then decided to go start applying for different heating and cooling companies near me in my local area. It took a little while, but I finally got hired by one to be one of their heating and air conditioning specialists for a salary. This was 9 years ago. And today I am thankfully still working for that local heating and air conditioning company and have gotten two raises since. I am making a decent living. Much better than what I was making with my old independent heating and air conditioning company! I should have just done this from the start. But I was young and dumb and just had to learn a cold hard lesson on my own I guess. All is well today though!


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I rode the bus with good a/c

It was a full blown miracle i’ll tell you! I actually for the first time in years rode the public transportation bus to and from work this past week because my car was in the shop for repair.

And wow! The bus actually had quality air conditioning! This was something I was not used to.

I had not ridden on any form of public transportation in at least 30 years since I was a teenager. And back then the air conditioning on the buses were absolutely hell and awful! I never thought I would see the day where any kind of public transportation had quality air conditioning. I am pretty sure that the heating in the winter time months of the year is also great or at least improved. I guess as the years went on and heating and air conditioning technology advanced they took good advantage of it and ended up fixing the ongoing issue with bad heating and air conditioning that they have had well before I was even born. I am going to bet that all this upgrade of indoor comfort on the bus must have happened sometime in the last 10 years or so when heating and air conditioning technology had been at its best and most large rise in history. It would all make sense happening around this time frame of things. I may not have an issue taking the bus in the winter one week if my car ever has to go into the shop again at that point if their heating is going to be just as good as the air conditioning was!
a/c repair

She would not discuss the A/C with me.

Living in the rural countryside was a totally different experience for my hubby as well as I. Ed and I both lived in the neighborhood from the time my associate and I were born, as well as hastily Ed and I were thrust into country life. I enjoyed the freedom of walking down the road as well as not being harassed by homeless beggars. I didn’t need to worry about pickpockets or muggers when I took my kids to visit the park. The air was clean, as well as Ed and I could see the stars in the evening. Life was amazing. I wasn’t used to needing to drive to the grocer, as well as not being able to opportunity up the iPhone as well as having food delivered in minutes. I liked the convenience of the city, but that was all. I also liked that when I contacted the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C dealership, I was going to get the same couple of people all the time. Last month, I had to laugh. I called the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C dealership to have our air conditioning equipment checked. When the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C expert arrived, she kept looking around the house. I asked if there were problems, however she said no. Two minutes later, she asked me where Ed was. I thought she may be concerned about being there when she wasn’t home, however she was toiling. I said that Ed should be at the household in an hour. She then wanted to know if she would be household before the air conditioning equipment was checked as well as repaired? I wasn’t sure if she would be at the household that soon, but I could call as well as ask. She told me she wanted to discuss some of the things she discovered during her inspection. The woman wanted to discuss the cooling system with Ed as well as not me.

quality air conditioning

We needed to find a more up-to-date A/C dealer.

Over the last few years, our Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C dealership has undergone several major changes.

The worst of all the changes was getting a more up-to-date owner. The previous owners were retiring, as well as their child took over, and ever since she took over, the dealership has been going downhill. Their prices went up as well as the quality of work went down. I needed to find a more up-to-date Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C dealership that knew what they were doing as well as cared for their customers. I wasn’t sure it was going to be as straightforward as we hoped, but I knew it was a necessity. My hubby Ed was starting to call the other local Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C companies to see what their pricing was like. Ed and I have studied the websites for the three Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C companies as well as have been doing a lot of learning. Ed and I know my associate and I have it slimed down a bit, but two of them sound pretty good. After comparing the website from the outdated Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C dealership as well as this one, Ed and I know my associate and I are going to be better off regardless of which of the up-to-date dealerships my associate and I choose. Ed thinks my associate and I should call as well as make an appointment for free services. Two of the companies are offering free cooling system inspections for up-to-date customers, as well as this could be a way to find out what kind of company ethics they have. As much as Ed and I don’t like the idea of changing Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C companies, Ed and I are enthusiastic to beginning the process of finding a more up-to-date one. We’ll have the air conditioning equipment worked on, as well as maybe the heating system looked at, if Ed and I make the appointments right. I just want to have a Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C dealer that puts its purchaser first.


commercial hvac for sale

When will the A/C tech arrive?

I hoped that all I needed to get my air conditioning equipment back up to snuff was some extra coolant. I would have thought that the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C company rep would have filled up the coolant levels when she did the inspection on the air conditioning. I also would have thought she would have located any major concerns as well as repaired them when she was here. It is now 1 month later, as well and our air conditioner is not toiling. I was frustrated, as well as my hubby Ed was angry. Ed asked if the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C dealer told me when the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C tech would arrive? Ed had to go to work shortly, as well as was hoping she would be household when she got there. I told Ed they said it would be sometime in the afternoon. I asked Ed if she wanted me to call the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C dealership as well as tried to get a better time frame, however she didn’t know it would matter. The Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C company rep would get here when she got here. I kissed Ed as well as told him to have a wonderful afternoon at work. At 2 PM, I called the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C dealership. I hadn’t heard anything from the company or from them. Ed would be household at 5 PM as well as I hoped the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C company rep would be here toiling at that time. When I called the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C dealership she told me she would not be there until the next morning. I needed the air conditioning equipment repaired soon, but if that was their earliest, I wasn’t complaining. I did gently remind her that I was told she would be there that afternoon, but she said I hadn’t gained a definite time frame. She was now saying it could be between 8 AM as well as noon the following afternoon.

more about heating

We could not afford the A/C system.

We knew there was nothing wrong with our central Heating, Ventilation as well as the A/C system, but Ed and I were considering what would happen if the heating system or the air conditioning equipment broke.

Ed and I knew they were machines, as well as although theoretically they could last fifteen years or more, Ed and I didn’t want to wait for the fifteen year time frame to occur.

Ed and I were already looking at the prices of up-to-date Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C systems for the place, hoping to have most of the money in the bank before that time arrived. Ed and I wrote down the model of A/C equipment as well as heating system Ed and I had, as well as started looking them up. They no longer made that model, but there were similar Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C systems. They were more extravagant than Ed and I had paid for ours, as well as that was to be expected, however prices had risen exponentially in the last ten years. I did the figures as well as came up with a huge annual price hike percentage per year. Over five years, the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C system would be so extravagant that Ed and I could not afford an up-to-date one. Ed and I knew how much my associate and I had to put in the bank every year, but Ed and I also knew it wasn’t going to happen. It was more money than Ed and I put back for taxes, holiday, as well as emergencies. Ed looked at me as well as told me my associate and I would need to take out a HELOC if Ed and I had to buy an up-to-date Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C system. I shrugged as well as told him Ed and I would do what my associate and I had to do. I could always work a little more which could give us another 1000 bucks a month. She smiled as well as told me she was glad the more up-to-date Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C system was hopefully another five years away.



Water should not come from the heater.

I walked into my basement last month.

I was shocked there was water pouring from the heater. I was afraid the water could ruin my drywall, it was coming out so hastily. I called the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C dealership as well as told them that water was pouring from my heater, as well as that I needed their help. The Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C tech told me water shouldn’t be coming out of the heater, unless it was a water boiler. She asked how my heat was distributed? I didn’t know. I just knew I heard the heating system running, as well as then Ed and I had heat. I paid for oil when I needed it for the heater. If there wasn’t any oil or electricity, I didn’t have heat. The Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C tech told me she would be there shortly, but I should turn off the water. She had to step me through turning the water off. I turned off the water valves, however she had me turn off the main valve, which meant I had no water somewhere inside my house, as well as I wasn’t happy. I hoped the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C tech would arrive soon. When she got there, she told me to call a plumber. The boiler was still in wonderful condition, but the pipes needed replacing. I asked him what a water boiler was, as well as why I didn’t have a heater. She told me a boiler heated water, as well as the hot water flowed through pipes as well as the heat from the pipes sent heat into the house. I called my sibling Ed who was a plumber as well as told him I needed up-to-date water pipes for the water boiler system. I didn’t understand anything she was saying about the water boiler, but I understood needing a plumber.


