Air conditioner in our rental house

I recently rented a house for me and my friends to stay in on vacation.

We are so excited to go on this trip.

Everyone has saved their money for many months and we are excited to embark on this journey together. In order to get this trip rolling, we needed to go ahead and book our flights and our lodging. The region where we are going is a warm part of the world with a lot of wildlife and fun outdoors activity. We are all surfers, so we thought this would be the perfect trip for us to go on together. There was a lot of concern about having a house with air conditioner while we are in this region of the world. Without air conditioner, I think it is safe to say that half of the group would have dropped out. I was on the fence because the houses without AC are much less to rent. In order to rent a house with AC, you must put down a very large amount of money upfront. I was happy to front the money for the group and I knew that everyone would pay me back in a timely fashion. I found a large house with air conditioner for a great price. Once we booked the lodging, the trip seemed even more real. I was so thrilled to be on the way to paradise with a house that had air conditioning. Once we arrived, we knew that we had made the right choice with choosing the house with the AC. It was so very hot and humid in this region.



space heater