The local contractor helped me with my air quality issues

I have been dealing with exhausting air quality in our current home ever since I purchased the location, however I wasn’t able to figure anything out until I eventually called up a local heating and air conditioning contractor.

The woman who came out was friendly enough and she thoroughly diagnosed the heating and air conditioning, but she said there were a lot of complications to tackle, however she would walk myself and others over everything.

She said the heating and air conditioning seemed as if it hadn’t been tuned up in a while, so that had to be taken care of. The whole idea had to be cleaned thoroughly including the outdoor condenser unit. She said if I worked with him, the two of us would take it 1 step at a time so I didn’t think I was too overwhelmed. The first priority was the tune-up, so she handled that. She said the ductwork desperately needed to be cleaned and I needed to use better quality air filters for improved air quality, and after all that, she asked if I would love to have a UV whole-apartment air purifier. She told myself and others how this particular idea uses HEPA filters however they are changed every quarter. She said if I wanted great air quality, this was the way to go. I still had enough currency, so I went for it. It was a fantastic thing I did because the air quality in our current home increased a great deal. It stinks fresher, there’s no dust collecting everywhere, and it feels way more comfortable. Even when I have guests over to our location these afternoons, people can’t think how nice our apartment is. I enrolled into an actual heating and air conditioning repair plan with that heating and air conditioning contractor so she will come every quarter to upgrade the HEPA filters for the air purification idea and she will handle the tune-ups for our heating and air conditioning officially.

Cooling install

I had terrible air quality before I employed the services of a local contractor

I have been dealing with terrible air quality in my home ever since I purchased the place.

I wasn’t able to figure anything out until I eventually called up a local HVAC contractor.

The guy who came out was friendly enough and he thoroughly checked the HVAC. He said there were a lot of issues to tackle but he would walk me over everything. He said the HVAC seemed like it hadn’t been tuned up in a while, so that had to be taken care of. The whole system had to be cleaned thoroughly including the outdoor condenser unit. He said if I worked with him, we would take it one step at a time so I didn’t feel too overwhelmed. The first priority was the tune-up, so he handled that. He said the ductwork desperately needed to be cleaned and I needed to use better quality air filters for improved air quality. After all that, he asked if I would like to have a UV air purification system. He told me how this particular system uses HEPA filters but they are changed every quarter. He said if I wanted great air quality, this was the way to go. I still had enough money, so I went for it. It was a good thing I did because the air quality in my home increased a great deal. It smells fresher, there’s no dust collecting everywhere, and it feels way more comfortable. Even when I have guests over to my place these days, people can’t believe how nice my house is. I enrolled into an HVAC service plan with that HVAC contractor so he will come every quarter to replace the HEPA filters for the air purification system and he will handle the tune-ups for my HVAC regularly.



HVAC service plan

Being an Heating plus Air Conditioning tech in the deep south

Many people describe the Summer weather in the deep south as “swampy.” This is only accurate when you guess what it’s appreciate to be in the middle of a swamp, something all the people are lucky enough to never experience.

If you live up north, plus have never been through a southern summer, let myself and others sum it up for – imagine resting in a wet sauna, while wrapped in a wet woolen blanket.

It’s not just hot it’s appreciate being inside a gas oil furnace, plus it’s not just humid it is on another level. To live in the south means you have your A/C working perfectly, plus serviced correctly. However, if you want to work in the south, make superb currency, plus never have to worry about getting fired, you need to learn how to repair A/Cs. When I say you don’t have to worry about getting fired, it’s because a certified Heating plus Air Conditioning tech would be able to find another task the certainly same day. That is how in-demand Heating plus Air Conditioning techs are in this section of the country, where you can chance plus choose any number of tasks. This far south climate control is not just about comfort, it’s about survival, so your Heating plus Air Conditioning skills will take you far. I make a certainly superb living doing Heating plus Air Conditioning work, plus have split back to only working many afternoons a week. Did you hear that? Being an Heating plus Air Conditioning tech in this neighborhood means I can gain a full-time wage plus still only work many afternoons a week, how can you beat that.

air conditioning system

The Heating plus Air Conditioning tech takes way too long

I don’t appreciate people being in our house.

I wish I could say it was a side effect of the COVID pandemic, but I have been appreciate this for years.

I have a social anxiety disorder, I assume, but I have never discussed it with a medical professional because I don’t trust medical professionals. In general I appreciate to be alone, or with a couple of friends, plus stay away from strangers plus the general public as much as possible, however occasionally people have to come into our home, however, appreciate the pest control person who comes every many months, or the Heating plus Air Conditioning tech who comes by every numerous months. The Heating plus Air Conditioning tech is the worst, plus not because he is a bad guy or anything, I just do not like how long it takes. When the bug guy comes, he is here for multiple hours plus then he is gone… No small talk, nothing appreciate that, just does his task plus leaves, however the Heating plus Air Conditioning tech seems to take half the day. I understand that there are two weird air handlers in the house, so it’s a complicated Heating plus Air Conditioning set-up, however this guy takes many hours for a house call! I don’t want to be rude to the guy, because it’s not appreciate I have ever dealt with an Heating plus Air Conditioning tech who was fast… Heating plus Air Conditioning techs must get paid by the hour, because every house call takes forever! I suppose it still beats the alternative, which is having our central Heating plus Air Conditioning plan split down on me, which would be a total nightmare for me.


air conditioning install

The gun in the air vent

It is always a crapshoot to buy a house at auction, especially when it comes to a police auction.

  • Thanks to seizure laws, the cops can impound anything that was bought with drug currency, plus then once a year they auction off all the stuff plus keep the currency… Police auctions often have jewelry, cars, boats, motorcycles, plus furs, plus once in a while they even sell houses or property.

I bought an amazing beachside home at a police auction, the former residence of a drug dealer, plus let myself and others tell you it came with a few surprises, and first of all, I found a handgun in the HVAC duct of the main family room. I was cleaning the air vent plus saw something just inside the HVAC duct, so I took a closer look plus found a gun! I pondered what to do, because it might be evidence of a crime, however on the other hand I didn’t want cops poking through our house plus looking in our HVAC duct. I just don’t trust cops, even if I do love their auctions, but since the central Heating plus Air Conditioning plan was in superb shape plus didn’t need to be repaired, I decided that for the time being I would leave well enough alone. I left the gun in the air vent, put the grate back over it, plus just went about our supplier appreciate it wasn’t there. In the future, maybe I will figure out what to do with the gun, however for now I don’t see the harm in letting it stand in the air vent for a few months, or maybe a few years.

Energy saving tips

Broken air conditioning system in the Air BnB

Normally, running an AirBnB is a nice task.

I have found that the vast majority of guests are honestly considerate, plus take great care of my cottage when they rent it.

There are consistently a few bad peachs, although I don’t let that spoil my opinion of people in general. The truth is, if you are renting out a locale, sooner or later you will rent to someone who is shady, or just thoughtless, plus doesn’t treat your rental with respect. I am currently in the midst of cleaning up after 1 such guest, who not only trashed the locale however broke the central HVAC plan as well. Since I have a few such locales, I have several repair specialists that I labor with on a proper basis. Tom is my proper HVAC guy, plus the people I was with and I have worked together long enough to form a friendship. It is so important for a property owner to have an HVAC corporation that they trust, because these systems can get quite extravagant. This time around Tom had no great news for me, plus the HVAC plan was so badly destructiond it would need to be replaced completely. He gave myself and others a cost estimate that was staggeringly high, even with my “friends plus family” discount with his HVAC supplier. I had a debit card on file for the tenant, so I attempted to charge him for the full cost of the HVAC replacement, however it was declined. This jerk doesn’t have enough money to pay for my current HVAC system, so I may have to take him to court.

Local contractor

A specialty Heating and Air Conditioning job

A location this tepid and humid demands a constant supply of air conditioning, and thus it is the land of occasion for a certified Heating and Air Conditioning tech, but currently I work for a specialty catering business, and it might seem strange that an Heating and Air Conditioning tech works for a catering corporation, right? This corporation does high-end outdoor events that are hosted inside of air conditioned tents, but their purchasers want to be in the beauty of nature, but not the heat or humidity, so they have large, expensive tents rigged up with dozens of air vents affixed to a cooling unit.

When I first moved to the south it was a calculated risk. I had only visited this area once before, on a long summer time getaway when I was a kid, my memories of that getaway are still quite vivid, and not in a wonderful way. At the time I thought that our parents had driven us into Hell itself, because that is how tepid and uncomfortable it was to be outside. At the time I vowed never to return, but twenty years later it seemed prefer a good idea, for a particularly odd reason. A location this tepid and humid demands a constant supply of air conditioning, and thus it is the land of occasion for a certified Heating and Air Conditioning tech, but currently I work for a specialty catering business, and it might seem strange that an Heating and Air Conditioning tech works for a catering corporation, right? This corporation does high-end outdoor events that are hosted inside of air conditioned tents, but their purchasers want to be in the beauty of nature, but not the heat or humidity, so they have large, expensive tents rigged up with dozens of air vents affixed to a cooling unit. The air vents are all adaptable and able to be moved, rearranged, and then taken down when the event finishes. The whole set-up is 100% portable, and as the Heating and Air Conditioning tech it is our sole duty to keep this plan running at peak efficiency. It is a full time job, and I take it particularly seriously because they would lose all of their bookings separate from the air conditioning, and they spend money me particularly well.


HVAC maintenance

Tuning up the Heating and Air Conditioning plan in the frat house

In school, I was section of the lowest tier fraternity there was.

This frat wasn’t recognized by the Greek Council, nor were the people I was with and I allowed to have a float in the homecoming parade.

Both of us had a small, squalid frat house a mile away from campus, and all the people hated us. They hated us until the people I was with and I threw one of our raging parties, and then all the people enjoyed us for a night. Being a section of this frat meant a lot of drinking and smoking pot, and not a lot of learning or community service. This frat house is where I l earned the basics of air conditioning repair, which has served myself and others far better in life than anything I studied in class. I assume a whole lot about classical European literature, however people don’t need that certainly often, whereas they need heating and cooling systems repaired all the time! I am not discounting school, because some of my friends became engineers, dentists, and educators, however it’s not the answer for all the people. By repairing the small air conditioning units in the frat house I got my first taste of working with my hands and dealing with technology. I began to do more online research into Heating and Air Conditioning systems, and before long I was doing all of those tasks around the frat house. After word got out, I tuned up the central Heating and Air Conditioning systems at a couple of other frat houses, too. At that point I realized I was wasting time and currency going to liberal arts school, and I needed to get Heating and Air Conditioning certified and start making some real currency.


Heater maintenance

Being an Heating and Air Conditioning tech in the deep south

Many people describe the summer time weather in the deep south as “swampy.” This is only accurate when you assume what it’s care about to be in the middle of a swamp, something everyone are fortunate enough to never experience.

If you live up north, and have never been through a southern summer, let myself and others sum it up for – imagine resting in a wet sauna, while wrapped in a wet woolen blanket.

It’s not just tepid it’s care about being inside a gas oil furnace, and it’s not just humid it is on another level. To live in the south means you have your air conditioner working perfectly, and ran tests on respectfully. However, if you want to work in the south, make fine currency, and never have to worry about getting fired, you need to learn how to repair air conditioners. When I say you don’t have to worry about getting fired, it’s because a certified Heating and Air Conditioning tech would be able to find another task the certainly same morning. That is how in-demand Heating and Air Conditioning techs are in this section of the country, where you can option and choose any number of tasks. This far south temperature control is not just about comfort, it’s about survival, so your Heating and Air Conditioning skills will take you far. I make a certainly fine residing doing Heating and Air Conditioning work, and have chop back to only working several days a week, did you hear that? Being an Heating and Air Conditioning tech in this neighborhood means I can receive a full-time wage and still only work several days a week, how can you beat that.


Link provided

A practical joke with my air conditioners

My associate Greg and I have a little running joke the people I was with and I share between us, it started years ago when the people I was with and I were out drinking together! Greg excused himself to go to the lavatory, however snuck outside and moved my car around the block.

I was convinced it had been stolen, and Greg lost her mind laughing at me! After that I struck back by stealing the TV from her family room when she was at class, then both of us regularly give the stuff back, the people I was with and I aren’t stealing to keep these things, just to mess with the other woman.

I was certainly impressed recently when Greg managed to steal all the air conditioning units from my house! I don’t have central , I use a series of small window mounted units in 4 unusual rooms of my house, a window mounted AC component is strong enough to cool off one room, so I have them in the kitchen, the residing room, and both family rooms, and when I got back from a workout at the gym, I saw that all 4 of the air conditioners were gone, and I was impressed at the dedication to our joke! Have you ever tried lifting one of these air conditioners before? They may look small, however they are dense, and the Heating and Air Conditioning components inside make it absurdly heavy. It turns out Greg recruited a couple other friends, so they could dismount the air conditioners and hide them upstairs in the attic. I had to bribe these same guys with free beers to get them to bring the units back down and help myself and others install them again.

a/c install

Some geographic locations are more prone to airborne dust than others

I used to suppose that our parents’ moving from 1 airforce base to the next was a burden on our life, but it gave myself and others a chance to experience a big list of odd geographic locations plus temperatures.

When I was in university, numerous of our peers were residing out of their lake cabin states for the first time in their lives.

By graduation, numerous were toying with odd locales to transport if they had not already accepted offers to graduate universitys both in state plus out of state, then i was done gallivanting all over the country trying to “find myself,” as I l gained long ago that the only peace you find in your travels is the peace you bring with you. I also figured out that some geographic locations are simply better than others for our interests purely. I have a lot of sinus plus respiratory dust sensitivities that can occasionally make life more hectic than it already is. Places with lots of pollen, dust, plus mold in the air are harder for myself and others to enjoy than anywhere that is mild like our modern state. The locale our parents took myself and others when I was a sophomore in high university was prone to lots of airborne dust, often culminating in sudden dust storms that would engulf the city in a matter of hours following the warning. The people I was with and I had to use special air cleaners at lake cabin to make sure that the two of us weren’t breathing in all of that dust if it found its way inside the cabin in locales where it isn’t completely air tight.

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