My hardy Heating and A/C condenser device survived two hurricanes this year

I absolutely hate living in hurricane alley, especially as weather conditions change worsens and simply makes the ocean water warmer where the hurricanes like to travel.

I had to get substituted homeowner’s insurance and flood insurance last year, and now I’m having a near death experience after a giant category 4 storm swept through the area however somehow spared my home.

So various neighborhoods just south of here were inundated with water. First of all, my great friend and I had areas on the south end of the eye wall which were slammed with 20 feet of storm surge during the worst of the storm. Those places were basically dunked underwater and few structures reMEd intact afterward. But issues with flooding did not end there. The storm also dumped giant amounts of rain on the northern portion of the state that feeds the two biggest rivers in our area. Both of these rivers spill into the same exact harbor, and both swelled so high that they breached levees in various places. It was uneasy to see the aerial footage of all the neighborhoods that were put underwater just from rainwater swelling the two immense rivers in this area. With so much disfigurement, I’m amazed that both my home and my Heating and A/C condenser survived unscathed. The Heating and A/C condenser is vulnerable while being installed outdoors. But that concrete block that was put on the ground underneath the Heating and A/C condenser was precisely intended to keep the device bolted down and incapable of being torn out of its own foundation during an intense hurricane. The taxing metal shell is also intended as a means of protecting the precious compressor inside the machine.


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The ultimate climate control

If you’re looking to have the ultimate form of climate control to your home what do you think would be the best thing to add if you’re going to take a guess, well I guess this could depend on who you would ask and what their needs are, but in my opinion the best thing that you could add to your home would be a whole home air purification system.

This is because a whole home air purification system gives you the ultimate control over your homes and heating and AC system as well as the air purification system.

We installed it, it works similar to adjusting the temperatures on your thermostat, except you can control your entire indoor climate. Now I will warn you that as great as this stuff sounds it doesn’t come without a heavy price. These systems are very expensive, and while they are sometimes sold by heating and air conditioning businesses most people cannot afford them. However, if you really want a whole home air purification system so that way you can have the ultimate indoor climate control then one way that you can go about getting it is to look around at different heating and air conditioning companies and see if you can find someone that’s selling it for the best price. If you do find one then it’s considerable to purchase one. However, it kind of made and cost you a good bit of your savings because these units often run into the thousands of dollars.

local contractor

Try this instead of a HEPA filter

If you’re looking for a way to take good care of your heating and air conditioning system, and you also want good indoor air quality, have you considered giving UV light filters to try.

I know that when it comes to air purification systems that a lot of people immediately jump to using a HEPA filter.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with HEPA filters, in fact they are excellent filters that are used in places that need high levels of sanitation, and because they need a high level of sanitation in those places and they use HEPA filters you know that they work really well. But, what you may not be aware of is that there are other alternatives that you can use instead of HEPA filters. One of such alternatives is a UV light filter. The filter works in a similar way to a HEPA filter because it also gives you clean indoor air quality but instead of being an air filter it is a bulb. A UV light filter cleans your home using exactly what it sounds like, using UV light. Adding a UV light filter to your home is simply as easy as installing a bulb onto your heating and air conditioning system. Once your heating and cooling system has the UV light filter successfully attached to it then it will begin to filter anything that’s in the air by killing any germs and bacteria on contact. So if you’re worried about germs in your house before now you can rest assured that your home is being protected.



UV light filters are great

Have you ever used a UV light filter before? If you haven’t you should really give them a try. They are as good as HEPA filters. The differences between his head and how a UV light filter works compared to a HEPA filter. For example, a HEPA filter is designed with many tight fibers that can catch the smallest pieces of debris and bacteria. This is how a HEPA filter keeps the indoor air clean, for comparison a UV light filter works to keep the indoor air quality in good condition by killing all germs and bacteria on contact. The only thing you have to worry about with a UV light filter is that with a UV light filter you have to worry about changing the bulbs so you’re going to want to check your bulb to make sure that it hasn’t burned out every now and then. The UV light filter is very simple and effective. The way UV light filter works is by simply attaching to your heating and air conditioning system, and once it successfully attached to your heating and cooling system it should be helping to give you good indoor air quality for quite some time. I used to use HEPA filters but recently I’ve switched to UV light filters because in my opinion I have found them to be superior. As long as I check on the bulb every now and then to make sure that it’s still is working correctly then there isn’t it isn’t much for me to worry about, and I haven’t found that I have to change out the ball this way less frequently than I was having to change out the HEPA filters.


dual fuel system

Finding work as a cooling specialist

Finding work as a cooling specialist has always been very easy for me and this is just because of all the different opportunities that you have as a heating and AC worker.

How high in demand a job is can determine how easily it is for you to find work obviously, and one of the great things about Heating and cooling is that I can move anywhere I want to.

There’s always heating and AC businesses around and that gives you a lot of freedom of movement and this is something that I really like. When I decided to move out of state and I had to find more work it was very easy for me to do. The reason I decided to move out of state was because I had been living in a cold climate for a while and while I had always been a lover of the cold, as I got older I found that my body was becoming more and more intolerant of the cold. It’s kind of ironic being a heating and AC worker, and having specific temperature needs. Thankfully it’s the HVAC products that come in handy to give you those specific temperature needs. When I moved to a warmer climate I found a job within the first month. I got work at a large heat and AC corporation and it didn’t take long for me to start enjoying working there just like I did back in my old job but with this time around I had the benefit of having my ideal temperature preferences. I was loving the sunny summer weather, and even when the winter came around it was so much warmer than the place that I came from. I think that this place will be my permanent home.


hvac corporation

The repair company available was expensive

It’s important to have a furnace and air conditioner provider that can help in an emergency.

You don’t want to look for a brand new company when it’s the middle of the night and do you need help the most.

That’s one you want a professional that is guaranteed to give you the best service possible. There is a usual furnace and air conditioner provider that I use for all of my repair needs. In the event of an emergency, I know that the furnace and air conditioner repair provider will be there. Unfortunately, my air conditioner happened to break down on the weekend when the place was busier than ever. There are usually two technicians available on weekends and I called in the middle of the night. Both of the technicians were already in the middle of a repair call. The dispatch office advised me to wait until the morning unless I wanted to go on the standby list. I thought it was better to go ahead and schedule an appointment for 7:00 in the morning. In the meantime, I tried to stay in one place and exert as little energy as possible. The sun was down and it was cool outside thankfully. During the day it is about 95 or 100° on any day and I would rather have an emergency that comes up in the middle of the night than one that comes up during the day. I might feel differently if it wasn’t a furnace that broke down, but the air conditioner is an entirely different story.

heating and cooling

The tear to my knee is significant

When it’s cold and frigid outside and the temperatures are low, my friends and I like to go skiing.

Last weekend there was a sale on lift tickets and my friends and I decided to spend all day Saturday and all day Sunday skiing.

We woke up early on Saturday and made the 2-hour drive out to the ski resort. We were there all day long. We decided to stay somewhere close on Saturday night. We were going to get a room at the lodge, but it was booked up. We ended up at a holiday inn about 5 miles from the ski resort. The hotel was in really good shape and it was still pretty brand new. There was a nice electric heater in the room. The heater was on my side of the bed. I was cozy and warm all night long. There was a bar downstairs and a restaurant. We had dinner at the bar and restaurant and a good night of sleep. Sunday morning, the slopes were not as busy as they were on Saturday. We decided to try one of the more difficult trails. I was going too quickly and I ran right into a tree. When I got up, I could tell that there was a problem with my knee. Later during the week I decided to go to the doctor when my knee was still bothering me. I need surgery to repair the damage from the skiing accident. I have to take off four to six weeks from work in order to have it completed.



air conditioning filter

After the basketball game, I went to the ER

Sometimes my friends and I played basketball at the court downtown where there aren’t very many people.

Lately, I’ve noticed more and more people coming to play ball.

Wednesday we had a pick up game and two teams of 6. It was really awesome eto have such a big group for basketball, because in the past we had three on three teams. More people coming to the court means more people for the basketball pickup games. My buddy and I were running up the court when I completely tripped over my own legs and fell flat on my face. I got up and my head was hurting badly. One of my friends rushed over to me and asked if I was okay. He said I had a huge gash on the back of my head. I thought that I was just fine, but I started to get dizzy after a minute or two. I tried to play the rest of the game, but I had to go to the ER instead. I waited for 2 hours before I even saw the doctor. The doctor told me that it looked like I had a pretty good cut, but I did not need any stitches. The doctor did say that I was probably suffering from a concussion since I was dizzy and feeling sick to my stomach. The doctor kept me in the ER for 12 hours so the nurses could watch over me. The very next morning, they released me and let me go back home. I’m thankful I didn’t need stitches as well.

furnace/heater service

The AC system was working overtime

The problems with the air conditioner began during the first month of summer. The machine wasn’t properly cooling and it was running for hours and hours. I hoped that the air conditioner would get better if I changed the air filter and had a full system tune-up performed on the machine. Unfortunately, neither one of those services helped my AC unit run more efficiently. I contacted a professional company to get an estimate for a new machine. I knew that the AC system was working overtime. I also knew that it had been around 10 years since the last time the AC was replaced with an energy efficient machine. I got two different estimates from the repair and installation technician. One estimate was for the installation services and one estimate was for all of the equipment and parts. I took both of the estimates to the bank so I could get financing for the new machine. The bank was happy to give me financing for the air conditioning system, because I am one of their best customers. I got a great interest rate that is even lower than my car and easy and affordable monthly payments that will make it very easy to afford the new and luxurious AC. The next thing that I want to buy is a car. I was planning to buy a car this year, but I spent all of the money on a new AC unit instead.

heating repair

The Hospital Experience

Have you ever noticed that it is often freezing cold in the hospital? Especially if you go to the emergency room for some reason, you better stop and get a jacket or a sweater before you drive there.

If you have to take an ambulance, you are going to be cold unless they give you a blanket straight from the blanket heater.

Anyway, I recently had to go to the ER with a friend of mine, oh, and let me tell you they must have their AC thermostat set to 40 degrees or something. It was so cold in there, and when you walk outside the thermostat was in the 80s! It was quite a contrast. The nurses and doctors that were working in the ER were all wearing either a sweater or a jacket. I asked the woman behind the desk why they didn’t turn the AC thermostat up a little bit, because it was obvious that everyone was freezing. It turns out, though, that hospitals turn their air conditioning very cold in order to discourage the growth of germs and viruses.Doctors always wear those white coats, and they also often walk around quickly from room to room, so ordinarily they are not cold no matter where the AC thermostat is set. The nurses and other professionals who spend most of their time at a desk behind a computer, however, really would benefit from having the air conditioning a little bit warmer. I did notice that a couple of them had portable heaters plugged in down by their feet. They did tell me, though, they are really not supposed to do that.

quality hvac

Meeting Great People is a Blessing

I live in the Southeast, and we love our air conditioning here

This weekend has been a very busy one for me. Friday night came and I had committed to going to my church to make 2000 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. It turns out that we only made it at 11:00, but that is because we ran out of ingredients. It turns out that the homeless shelter has asked us to make as many peanut butter sandwiches as we can every week because it helps them to have them on hand to provide a quick lunch or a midday snack without having to cook. The second reason this was such a good blessing is because I got to meet so many great people. I did run into people I already know oh, of course, because it was taking place at my church, but I also ran into people I did not know before. It was very lovely to do in our big room in our Parish Hall. We recently bought a new HVAC system for that building, and the air conditioning was set exactly where it should be. If we had not had AC, we really would have been quite hot. Even though it is September, and everybody is selling pumpkin flavored everything, it is still very much like summer here where I live. I live in the Southeast, and we love our air conditioning here. In our church Hall, we have central air conditioning for the major rooms, but we also have a few small rooms that are used as classrooms oh, and those have mini split air conditioners in them. That way, we do not have to use the central AC if the only people using the building are the kids in the classrooms. But I tell you what, I was very happy to have the AC running strong while we made 1100 PBJ sandwiches



a/c repair